The toy robot thats on a whole new level. Thinking, learning and understanding the environment around it.

The very first self-aware toy truck. Unlike any other this piece of tech awesomeness is enjoyable for kids everywhere…

ANKI has developed an emotion filled, problem solving little friend. Always on the prowl Cosmo is a play mobile constantly reacting and gaining insight on how to match up against its next challenge.

The very first self-aware toy truck.

Ready to go straight out of the box. Cosmo has its way around where ever it wants and it knows how to get attention. If the tiny bot doesn’t get it’s way then it’ll cause a scene much like any opportunist would.

The very first self-aware toy truck.

 “Just don’t call him a toy. He’s a supercomputer on treads. And he’s fun on a whole new level.” – ANKI

Cosmo’s your buddy for life and it even charges itself. Thats intelligent… So it’s great for kids and tech enthusiast alike all you’ll need is a compatible iOS or Android Device.